
It has been a long while, now it feels like the right time to come back.

Today has been like no other day, not sure why though.

Today feels wrong in so many ways.

Today is different.

Today was a nightmare and it does not feel like it is over.


My will to write faded, it went to sleep.

I think I wrote mostly when I was feeling down, sad or slightly depressed.

One day I found someone to love, to laugh with, to care, someone that cares for me and loves me back… and I stopped writing.

Writing was a kind of therapy for me. I do not see it like that anymore.


Dio inicio de forma desastrosa, lluvia suave, vientos fuertes.

Mejoró con ayuda de un café caliente y un croissant.

Fue magnífico cuando el sol se coló por la ventana y la calidez reclamó su lugar.

Sin embargo, el viento frío no se dejó vencer, tomó fuerza con el tiempo y se coronó al caer la tarde.