
It has been a long while, now it feels like the right time to come back.

Today has been like no other day, not sure why though.

Today feels wrong in so many ways.

Today is different.

Today was a nightmare and it does not feel like it is over.

Let me be brave

How would you face the raven?

How would you act when the time to die comes?

What would you do when everything is over?

Would you run? Would you hide?

What would you do at the end?

Would you be a coward? Would you be brave?

She changed, she became reckless, she thought it was a clever idea, she did not consider the consequences. So here we are, the point where everything fails. There is nothing else to do. There is no a way out. The raven is coming and nothing can stop it.

No more.

Death is here. Death is imminent. Do not run. Face the raven.

She breathes, she walks toward it, she whispers: “Let me brave, let me be brave”. Then all lights fade away.


Inspired on Doctor Who episode: Face The Raven

Video: Doctor Who: Goodbye Clara Oswald


…Fue en medio de la noche cuando fue consciente de él. Una idea que empezó como un susurro en la oscuridad, un suave murmullo del viento. Una idea que tomó forma, se convirtió en pequeñas agujas tallando su pecho, una incomodidad intermitente. Una idea que se hizo carne y puso su corazón en llamas…


Foto: “Loneliness Marc Nadal Love Sadness 12” por Marc Nadal está licenciada bajo CC BY-NC-ND 2.0